From the Desk of the Principal

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We the Engineers in remote areas of North-East region of this country should also strive hard in generating and accelerating our will and effort to pace with the same speed as the rest of the world. Though we are seeing that we are not lacking behind and many engineers passing Diploma & Degree from N-E region are also enlightening in many fields in command in many countries, we should generously strike or trigger in threshold areas in zeal in achieving goal to predetermined magnitude.

To maintain in close proximity with recent trends and advancement of technology, the syllabi of Engineering courses needs to be reviewed and revised periodically. Diploma label education as in Silchar Polytechnic like others in this state of Assam always maintain the effort for revision of syllabi accordingly with a vision to inculcate the recent and modern state-of-art technology so that we do not lag behind others.

In Technical Education we should emphasis in all areas in general and in academic field in particular very honestly, sincerely, with full dedication and that we should feel proud to be associated with such an education field that we are producing Engineers to built a nation.

Community College


Silchar Polytechnic provides vocational courses under scheme of community college.

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